Latest Trends In Soil Stabilization

2 June 2015
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


The demand for more land becomes necessary in an industrial society due to fast-paced industrial and urban growth. Land scarcity demands that environmentally unstable soils must be treated for use. Ground improvement trends have become increasingly popular in converting damaged soil for industrial usage. Soil improvement techniques today serve the dual purpose of making soil available for industrial and urban growth.    

Examining Soil Strength Is Important

Engineering contractors should ideally examine soil strength before any foundation project is built on your land. The expected weight of the planned structure and the project's future function should be determined beforehand, since the subsoil must accommodate the project's foundation.

Trends in Treating Unstable Soil

If soil testing on your land turns out to be weak, binding material must be added to it in order for oil stabilization to be achieved. Binding material holds soil particles together and basically prevents water infiltration. There are various ways to achieve soil strengthening, but current trends lean toward two main categories of binding. The two categories are mechanical and chemical soil stabilization. Soil grouting is also an optional choice.

Chemical Soil Stabilization

Chemical stabilization strengthens your soil--vapor pressure from calcium chloride facilitates the compaction of soil. It also notes that sodium chloride and sodium silicate act to stabilize soil in much the same way as sodium chloride does.

Your understanding of how chemicals strengthen soil works to your advantage when you discuss the soil quality of your land with engineering contractors. Your knowledge of the subject will be taken seriously and addressed by knowledgeable geoengineering professionals that you have hired.

Mechanical Soil Stabilization

Adding non-biodegradable ingredients and the method of compaction defines mechanical soil stabilization, according to the website The article explains that engineering contractors use aggregates for compaction into soil. Vibrating machines apply pressure to the aggregate-containing soil.

The science behind this compression process lies in the ability of soil compactors to increase compacting pressure density that meets the specifications designed as engineering requirements. The article warns, however, that caution must be exhibited while the compacting pressure is engaged by operators of the machine. They must avoid applying excessive pressure during the process, since extra pressure will lower the strength of the aggregates being used.

Ensuring Soil Strength With Soil Stabilization Methods

A structure that is built on sand will disintegrate. You may have witnessed luxury homes built on hillsides sliding away into the ocean during a mudslide following a heavy rainfall and associated flooding. Have your property's soil tested and reinforced (by professionals, such as those from T. Luckey Sons' Inc), if necessary, before foundation is constructed.